Rich, in my humble opinion, there are a couple of things to consider.
Consideration should be given as to if your chip and the other chip are in equal condition. Would we assume that all things are equal between the two chips?
First off, let me mention that I feel as a member of the CC & GTCC, as well as an active participant of this message board and the chipping community, I have a thing called "honor" that is of extreme importance to me. For me..I'd take it back for a two week period of time on most situations. Some situations, I'd take it back even after a few months. A good example of that is if I sold an expensive chip, and then a few months later they came back and said "Hey Terry, My wife got ALL OVER my case for buying that 1,200 chip, and I really couldn't afford it." I'd take back the chip and give a full refund. In a few situations, I would not accept it back. Ebay situations are many cases where I wouldn't take it back.
An important question is was this an ebay auction for either of the chips? If not, then we have to consider if the price was a realistic price. If the person buys the chip for 1200, and then sees one go off on ebay for 700, it would not be a legitimate complaint. I would NOT take it back just because another sold for cheaper on ebay. I've sold chips on ebay that sold way below value. I've even had the final ending price for Hard Rock and Palms $25.00 and $100.00 chips for well below face! I've bought obsolete Nevada chips in auctions on ebay WAY below what the should have sold for. It happens every day. That doesn't mean the chips weren't worth much more, it just means I got a great deal because other chippers weren't paying attention.
If I sold the chip for 1,200, then the buyer comes back and says "Hey...there are 27 other people selling these chips all at 700.00 on their websites!" I would certainly either take the chip back, or give him a refund of the difference.
Now many people aren't going to like this final statement. When it comes right down to that person what I would call a fellow friend chipper. That means a few things. Is it someone I like, or someone I trade with, or interact with. If they are, then I will take a chip back, whether sold or traded for any reason at any time.
If they are complete jerks, then my return policy is not as loose. Sure in theory, maybe my policy should be the same for everyone. At least I'm honest. I will always be honorable even if they are jerks...but for non-jerks, they get much better deal.