I have sold on e-bay for 5 years. 977 pos. 0 net. 0 neg. total all pos 2343. Untill a few days ago when I found 1 neg. I sold this person a slot card (mint). He gives me a Neg. say's the movie he purchased was described as new, but was a copy. I don't sell movies, he messed up. I e-mailed him no response. What is my recourse? I worked hard for perfect feedback. I often sent item twice, refunded $ for any reason did anything to keep c/s happy. Now this guy with the brain of a chicken messes up my perfect record. Any ideas? I've never had a luck trying to communicate with e-bay. PS he had only a few feedback's Risky, dealing with a 0-1-2-3 feedback person. Sorry, so long but I'm upset. Ever happened to anyone else?