Though there are already a couple of announcenments, we'd like to give you all a few more specifics. Here are the major changes in some detail:
1) Of course, all prices have been revised and updated to the best of our ability. These are retail prices.
2) The Grading System has been completely eliminated and replaced with the official CC>CC grading standards. We use the top three grades (New, S-U, Avg) in the three pricing columns as this comprises at least 95%+ of all transactions.
3) James was responsible for the Nevada section and Steve was responsible for everything else, although there was some overlap when necessary. The Colorado and Atlantic City sections in particular have had major revisions and are greatly improved.
4) Most of the chip pictures and all (as far as we remember!)of the casino pictures are new whenever possible. Also, we have added more old casino pictures as these are so popular.
5) The publisher demanded we have 400 pages max. This represented a problem because the last book was 400 pages and we had a lot of new material to add. Therefore, we decided to cut the LE section because we had no positive responses to it in the last 4 years! However, we did keep all of the Hard Rock LE info as that is such a highly collectible casino.
We wound up with exactly 400 pages, packing as much into it as we were allowed by the publisher. Yes, we still have the index and the inside page is still an application for membership into CC>CC. The last book sold over 4000 copies and brought well over 100 new members into the club, and we hope to do even better this time!
James will have ordering info soon.
Thanks to all past and present supporters of our Price Guide!
Sincerely, James Campiglia & Steve Wells