Let me think!!
Ok, here goes.
Ever wonder why someone shows up on the BB a year or so ago and knows everything that’s good for the hobby?
Did I really read all of the below?
Its Ok to sell fantasy chips with a mis-leading description. What’s the big deal?
It is OK to repair chips. What’s the big deal?
It is OK to make chips. What’s the big deal?
Tells well respected poster, (been posting 8-10 years) to “get off the board.”
Tells same poster he is an As*hole” for disagreeing with a post.
Tells all of us we do not need a new chip selling venue. Ebay should be good enough for all of us.
Makes a statement, IMO was bigoted against a member of Arabian decent.
Quotes a long standing member of the club with a false statement.
Long standing member has to come to the BB to deny, false statement.
Just wondering? Did I really read all of the above??????????????????????????????????????