OOOO boy, I've been busy! I've now completed all but CA and WA for the non-Nevada chip scans. I've started on those and should be done pretty soon. You'll get all of those too, even if you buy the program now.
You get them all free with Carlisle Development's "Casino Chip Collector Plus" software. Almost 3,000 high quality scans, done at 200 dpi and 316 x 316. So not only do you get the absolute best collectors software available in the entire civilized world, but you get almost 3,000 scans to go with it.
You also get preloaded collection lists with the scans loaded to use if you like, or make your own collections by importing your Xcel spreadsheet. If you prefer, make your collection from scratch. Have as many collections as you want, and displayed any way you want it!
I not only sell the software....but I use it as well.
Click on the link below HappyChipper.Com)and read all about the software. You can also buy it right there through Paypal.