There is also the other side of the coin. It has been some years now that serious book dealers stopped selling collectible books on eBay. They can be now found on The reasons were simple. Auctions cheapened the values of their books because they were constrained by time limitations and the serious buyers failed to show up most of the time. Moreover, the flood of uncollectible books mixed with the collectibles made it very hard for the uninformed buyers to discriminate and bid properly. In the meanwhile, some very nice collectible books went for a song to bargain hunters like myself (I do have a very good niche collection of 19th and early 20th century Near East related rare books, some bought from eBay, but most from other sources such as Advanced Book Exchange - abebooks). Book sellers also bought many from unsuspecting eBay sellers who were not aware of the value of what they were selling, then turned around and offered the same books in their catalogs or on abebooks. But, of course, none of this need apply to chips, though we shall see. For those of you who like books and buy from time to time, here is the abebooks web site where 60 million books (compare that to eBay's roughly half-million, much of it improperly described in book collectors' terms) are offered for sale by thousands of sellers (disclosure: I have no association with abebooks whatsoever):