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The Chip Board Archive 12

Anthony Trentacost..... 1 Block of Currency

Anthony, I had no trouble in getting a block of currency. If your bank is not a 'satellite' bank of the FRB then ask what bank is the satellite bank for your area. Go there and request whatever you want and if they do not have it they will get it for you. They (my bank) did not have a 'Fresh' Block of unopened notes from the BEP right then so they called me when fresh blocks came in. Understand that banks do not ALWAYS get NEW money, often it is circulated, and they usually take what the FRB sends. This is still sealed in the BEP wrapper from the printer in Fort Worth (will be from Washington for you). I paid face for these and they are the same ones you see actually selling at 1.5 times face on eBay (go figure!)

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Anthony Trentacost..... 1 Block of Currency
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