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The Chip Board Archive 12


Yes, we do have a Want List in our plans, did from day one, and we believe we can do it better than eBay.

My personal opinion (and Lord knows I've been wrong many times) is that a chip site with wanted requests for specific chips would be handy for SELLERS and make it easier to find those few missing chips for collections, without searching eBay in an endless quest for Grand Casino Hayward, (for example) and not knowing what it will be listed as.

Or for Wisconsin chips that are listed for some other state, because many don't have locations or have vague casino names on them.

If you have a chip with "SCC" on it and nothing else, how many people, dealers or anyone whould know it's Saint Croix Casino?

How about HIC, RCC, RCB, BRC or the Jenna chips that have been listed as all sorts of things? All except the HIC are Wisconsin chips! HIC is (Hanniville Indian Community or Hanniville Indian Casino???) Michigan.

Yes I'd like a place to post my want list, besides my own page, that gets a whopping 145 views a year. 140 are probably me. vbg

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