The "Want It Now" feature eBay recently added sounded like a great new tool to help chip sellers and buyers get together. Buyers post their "wants" and sellers respond if they have an item listed that meets them.
However, I discovered a problem I hadn't forseen when I posted two "Want It Now" listings:
Small crown mold casino chips - Looking for small crown mold casino chips from Nevada, California or unknown locations.
Atlantis Hot August Nights 1997 Chip - Looking for Atlantis Hot August Nights 1997 chip TCR #N9281
This morning I received responses to each listing from the same seller offering me slot machine glass backs he is trying to sell. Do my listings sound like I'm looking for slot machine glasses?
My guess is that he responded to any and all Want It Now listings that had anything to do with casino memorabilia. I wrote to the seller and told him I thought his contacting me was inappropriate, but that I wasn't going to report it to eBay.
I know that receiving these responses isn't a big deal, but if I start getting dozens of reponses every day from poker chip set sellers (WITH ALUMINUM CASE!!!), I'll be removing my "Want It Now" listings.