Grosvenor casinos have had video roulette terminals for 5 years. The guy that came up with the idea and pioneered the machines lives in my town. His wife happens to be PR manager for Grosvenor. When I once called him for a chat he told me his contract prohibited him from talking to known casino members
The Barracuda club has a live wheel with 3 small cameras attached which link to 30 video terminals. 38 people can play one table. Dealer has a green light indicating its safe for him to spin the wheel after the machines have cleared/bets have been placed.
Stanley casinos have unmanned roulette wheels. The centre of the wheel drops to allow the ball out which then drops back onto the wheel out of a chute. Wheels are about 5 feet across, in a large glass enclosure, with maybe 20 video terminals in a circle around them.