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The Chip Board Archive 12

Collecting TITO's For the Frugal

Look for a five cent machine that takes a nickel in and most importantly gives tito’s out.
Put a nickel in, cash out. If the machine drops a nickel back out in the cash out tray, try another machine. Sometimes the slot department configures one or two machine different by mistake. At this time you’ll forget about the dollar or “ticket only in machines”.
You’ve found a machine now, that takes your nickel, and when you cash out, gives you a ticket. Great, now you have a five-cent ticket. Want more tickets for your five cents? Put it in a two-cent machine (not a one cent, two cent, five cent, exc. Machine). Usually MASH is a two-cent machine. Put your ticket in this machine. Watch for your left over one cent ticket coming out the ticket shoot. Cash out the remaining four-cent ticket. Take the four-cent ticket to a penny machine, play one game of one cent, cash out the three cents. Put your ticket back in a two-cent machine. Again a left over one-cent ticket comes out. Cash out your two-cent ticket. Take it back to a penny machine, play a penny and cash out another penny ticket. Now you have three TiTo’s and had three chances for a jackpot. There are a lot of different combinations you can try, especially starting with a dollar bill.
Collecting Tito’s are fun and interesting to collect. You don’t have to be looking over your shoulder all the time like harvesting Slot Cards, or Begging for Hotel Room keys. How about getting carried back to the Security office for trying to teach a hand full of Roulette chips how to walk.
Getting More Bang for your Buck
I was asked how to get a few more tickets for the dollar I put in. This is how I do it now. Months ago It usually cost me a dollar for a little bit of play and a TITO to add to my collection.
Now I use this system:

$1 in penny game, Play 1 cent game
Cash out .99 cent Tito
Put in .25 cent game
TiTo for .24 cents comes out
Cash out .75 cent TiTo
Play 1 cent game
Cash out .74 cent TiTo
Put in .25 cent game
TiTo for .24 cents comes out
Cash out .50 cent TiTo
Play 1 cent game
Cash out .49 cent TiTo
Put in .25 cent game
TiTo for .24 cents comes out
Cash out .25 cent TiTo
Play 1 cent game
Cash out .24 cent TiTo
Now you have played four penny games (possible chance of small jack pot) and you are in possession of four TITO’s all from your one dollar. If you want more play and more tito’s for your dollar………
Put your four tickets, one at a time in a nickel machine. Four four cent tickets come out, cash out. Keep the four, four cent tickets and alternate with the penny machine with your four .20 cent cashed out tickets, playing one cent game on each of the four.
Put four 19 cent tickets in a nickel machine, one at a time
Four, four-cent tickets come out, and your cashing out four .15 cent tickets
Play 1 cent game on 4 tickets, cashing out four .14 cent tickets
Put four 14 cent tickets in nickel machine, one at a time
Four, four-cent tickets come out, and your cashing out four .10 cent tickets
Play 1 cent game on 4 tickets, cashing out four .09 cent tickets
Put four 9 cent tickets in nickel machine, one at a time
Four, four-cent tickets come out, and your cashing out four .05 cent tickets

Now If you want to play some more, put each of your 20, four and five cent tickets in a penny machine one at a time and play them down to one cent. That’s at least 32 plays and 20 Tito’s for a dollar……What more could you want? To make it more interesting, I put any large winnings on a separate ticket and keep adding to it if I win. By cashing out this accumulated bonus, most of the time I get paid for adding to my collection and getting my traders free.

One thing to watch out for………make sure that the quarter or the nickel machine are credit not dollars and cents(ie 25 credits not $6.25 total).

Happy TITO Collecting.

Messages In This Thread

Collecting TITO's For the Frugal
Re: Collecting TITO's For the Frugal
Re: Collecting TITO's For the Frugal
Ticket In Ticket Out
Re: Ticket In Ticket Out
TITO's as change

Copyright 2022 David Spragg