Two things... First of all Brian, I am sorry it has taken so long, but I have packaged up four $1 chips for you as a payout for our last tourney. That package is sitting on my office girls desk waiting to be mailed with a dozen other packages to various locations. So your chips will be there soon.
As far as the WSOP tourney goes, I am excited about the possibilities. However $22+2 every week plus playing live once or twice a week with our community tourneys ( what a hoot that is ) at $20 each time, plus Todd is going to be setting up another knokout tourney very soon at $11+1, well you can see I will have to come up with a about $275 or so every month just for my poker habit. That is going to be a tough sell with the wife and kids.
So I have not made a final decision on the wsop even though my heart says yes.
I am thinking no! Lord it hurts to say that.