I went to DSL in Sept. and BOY DO I LOVE IT! I'm sure the rr and cable users are even happier than I am. Sure makes life easier/faster.
ps I see that SBC Yahoo is offering a $19.95 plan that was advertised this morning on the radio. Something about for SBC Complete customers, which I don't have a clue what that means.
Mine with SBC was one year at $29.95 per Mo., included a modem and cables and filters "free".
Road Runner is faster, but I don't have cable at the office and don't sit online while I'm at home, so I get half of the benefits.
My free dialup from Prodigy/SBC/Yahoo was supposed to end Oct 1st, so I had to make a move anyway. I wanted to keep my email address and SBC was the answer. Others will find better solutions.