Well the first week at the NEW job and our NEW plant is almost over. Things went pretty well considering My new start up crew, and I mean NEW (recent engineering graduates)engineering group only managed to crash the pulp refiner into pulp, overflow several holding tanks several times, very messy proposition which I made them clean up
Maybe they just might learn a lesson there not taught in school. And the best one was when they tried to lower a mixing blade through the bottom of a 25,000 gallon mixing tank. Result, one very bent multi stainless steel blade system and the complete drive system was either burned up or bent beyond recognition. But these kids are still learning about the real world of production, and they are not just looking at computer models and printouts anymore. I tried to tell them that some of the "mistakes" could have been prevented during our planning sessions, BUT who's going to listen to a 60+ year old engineer who has more years of production experience than their total combined ages
O well live and learn, that's if I don't kill them all the next time I hear a loud crunch coming from the production area and see "kids" running all over the place trying to stop the flood of raw material from over running all of our Sparkeling New Plant
I'm Off To The Circus (Work) TGIF
Hava Good One,
PS If I owe anyone chips from last weekends LC sales please be patient I've not had a chance to mail them. Will do so on Sat. my day off.