Below is a link to a long, (but good) op-ed piece which I thought describes the current political situation very well. It was sent to me by a friend of mine who is Air Force officer (LtC) and is the commander of an Aerial Refueing Squadron at a AFB here in the USA, and has been TDY to the Persian Gulf area many times over the last 3 years. I was surprised that a member of the military, particularly a ranking officer, would agree with this piece.
It was written by Hal Crowther, who is "a former writer for Time and Newsweek, the Buffalo News and the North Carolina Spectator before parking his column at the weekly Independent in Durham, N.C., and The Progressive Populist, among others. He won the H.L. Mencken Award for column writing in 1992."
I posted the link instead of posting the whole article her so as not to take up any of Greg's storage space or bandwidth. So read it if you like.