Archie, film has far better resolution than any digital camera. If you want to blow a print up to 8 by 10 or zoom in on a small part of a photo and get a good quality reprint, nothing beats film. But for under $200 you can buy a color inkjet printer that will print one of those Mavica pictures on real Kodak paper as a 4 by 6 print I couldn't tell from a film camera print.
Digital cameras give you instant gratification and instant feedback as to whether your picture will come out in the first place. I go someplace and take a roll and a half of pictures. By the time I get them printed, I'm back home and can't retake them. And I've got half a roll in the camera waiting for an excuse to take more pictures. I don't have a digital camera yet, but as Jimmy would say, I have lusted in my heart.