>>>Why are you arguing with John, isn't he pro-Bush?
I wasn't arguing with John. I was responding to the public broadcast by John Eisenhower posted by Dave: "Why I will vote for John Kerry for President"
BTW, I'm a long way from the far right since I believe in a woman's right to choose, stem cell research, a wide variety of environmental issues, and I don't believe the 2nd amendment says nor gives you the right to own a machine gun.
I do reject the basic robin hood philosophy of the Democratic Party and accept the basic premise of the Republican Party of a strong business environment with less government. I also believe that the words "Under God" are more than just words.
I like to think that I am like most Americans who find themselves somewhat in the middle of two extreme views seeking to polarize this nation.
I guess the problem I have with the supporters of Mr. Kerry is that they are willing to ignore so much evidence against him in an "anybody but Bush" campaign.
This country needs to get back to finding a middle ground. The extremes (whether preached from hollywood or the pulpits) will not tend to serve us well in the long term.