Ok, let's take a look at what he says:
>>>With the current administration's decision to invade Iraq unilaterally,
(I notice he simply ignored what was done in Afghanistan because it didn't serve his agenda)
A "coalition" invaded Iraq in accordance with *UN* Resolution 1441. All the lies in the world won't change that. Why is it that folks think if France wasn't involved, the we did it unilaterally?
>>>Today's whopping budget deficit of some $440 billion does not meet that criterion.
In what world can you sustain the worst ever attack on America, large corporate meltdowns, and then fight a war on terror all while preventing economic chaos and do it all for free? This simply speaks to ignorance.
>>>In the Middle East crisis of 1991, President George H.W. Bush marshaled world opinion through the United Nations before employing military force to free Kuwait from Saddam Hussein.
Interesting that he would bring this up. John Kerry voted AGAINST this action. Had he been President at the time, Saddam would now be in direct control of the worlds oil supply and most of the Middle East.
>>>When Kuwait had been freed, President George H. W. Bush stayed within the United Nations mandate, aware of the dangers of occupying an entire nation.
And the UN stood by and watched as THOUSANDS of Kurds were slaughtered by Saddam and today we are hearing that the " humanitarian oil for food" program administered by the UN was a total corrupt fiasco benefiting the exact countries that opposed the Iraqi action.
>>>Of course we must fight terrorism, but have we irresponsibly gone overboard in doing so?
Interesting concept. You can go overboard in fighting a terrorist?
>>>I would appreciate hearing such warnings from the Republican Party of today.
This war on terror is all about liberty and freedom. It's too bad this bozo doesn't get it.
>>>The Eisenhower administration accomplished that difficult task three times during its eight years in office. It did not attain that remarkable achievement by cutting taxes for the rich.
So in 5 out of 8 years, he ran a deficit without having a direct attack on America and a related response? Sounds like you should be upset with dear ole Dad.
Did Mr. Kerry suggest that he will balance the budget? No. Did Mr. Kerry suggest that by taxing the rich he can create a surplus? No. Did Mr. Kerry say he will use the tax on the rich to even reduce the deficit? No.
Is this guy spouting sophmoric rhetoric? Yes.
>>>Today's Republican leadership, while not solely accountable for the loss of American jobs, encourages it with its tax code
>>>I urge everyone, Republicans and Democrats alike, to avoid voting for a ticket merely because it carries the label of the party of one's parents or of our own ingrained habits.
I also urge everyone to vote their own mind despite the efforts of privelidged a$$holes such as this to influence the electorate with their "brand name".
Folks, Mr. Kerry is pro UN authority, a US isolationist, he is anti military, for a secular society, for big government, and is a tax and spend liberal all as a matter of record. If you like that, vote for him. However, don't pretend it isn't exactly who he is. I can assure you that he will say anything to acheive the office and this is one leopard who can't change his spots.