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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: Novice Dice questions
In Response To: Novice Dice questions ()

There is no "standard price" for dice. Casinos sell their dice for as low as 25¢/pair or $1/stick. You can buy current dice from other sellers for $2-4/pair. If uncancelled dice are offered, one of the following reasons apply: (1) dice from the 1970's or older, (2) manufacturer rejects / culls or (3) dice who left the casino on an irregular way.

Some jurisdiction like Atlantic City require to drill the dice after play. If you find undrilled dice from such a jurisdiction, they aren't authentic! Only the fact, that you can't play with them anymore, affects the value. A collector usually accept the drill hole as long as the logo is not affected.

Dice from closed casinos are worth more than current dice. Depending on how many years ago the casino closed and how rare the particular logo/color is, the price range from $4-10/pair for common obsolete dice to $15-25/pair for rare dice from small casinos to up to $300-400/pair for some very seldom dice.

If matching serial numbers affect the price depends on the buyer. I will pay more for matching numbers, but another collector don't care about numbers at all. Please note also that serial numbers are - just like cancellation - a "new" phenomenon. Dice from the 1960's or older don't have serial numbers in most cases.

Please consider the "values" given in some price guides with care. There is no guarantee that you can sell your dice at this price or that you have to pay this value when buying. I usually pay about 50% of these values when acquiring new dice for my collection.

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Novice Dice questions
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