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The Chip Board Archive 11

Quanity of Dunes Chips Wanted

I need to enlarge my set. It's the latest type with the golf course image. I prefer $1, $500 and all other higher chips, but will consider $5,25,100 as well. Any leads you can give me to hunt down would be greatly appreciated. I have enjoyed reading many of the msg's on this board. It has been enjoyable and informative - Thank you all for the great posts - I'm new to obsolete chips.

Messages In This Thread

Quanity of Dunes Chips Wanted
Re: Quanity of Dunes Chips Wanted
Re: Quanity of Dunes Chips Wanted
Re: Quanity of Dunes Chips Wanted
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Why would you try and get someone to buy
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Ok, You totally confused me with this one.
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Dear Mr Valvo......
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Please enlighten us. If you have information
I'm even more confused

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