until the last time this topic came up on the board. One of our fellow hobbyists (an attourney if my memory serves me right) did the legal digging and found out differently. What he found was...
That GENERALLY, you (and I) were correct - delivery is the burden of the Seller. HOWEVER, the seller can put the burden of delivery insurance on the Buyer by making the delivery insurance a part of the purchase contract. He does this by stating that the Buyer is responsible and offering the Buyer the opportunity to purchase the insurance. This then becomes part of the contract to purchase and is as binding as any other part of the contract, and the Seller is no longer liable once it leaves his possession.
It was pointed out that in an online auction, by bidding, the Buyer agrees to all terms of the auction and resulting contract - including assuming responsibility for insuring delivery.
I was surprised, as I'm sure you are, but it does make sense.