Now we are getting somewhere. Last count we are up to 13 interested in attending. Looks like Hartford, CT will be the best City for all. As some work on Sat and a week night would be hard. How about a Sunday afternoon 12-5? Next is settling on a date. Some have suggested as far out as first of year but I wouldn't want to chance our first meeting being hampered by bad weather. My thoughts would be the sooner the better, say Oct 24th. With that many coming I doubt we can all stand in the lobby doing chip deals, (they would all think we're crazy) so I suggest we rent a room and all "chip" in say $10 apiece. Again, I am not trying to re-invent the wheel. Some of you have attended similar get togethers in NY or NJ and may have a better plan. Let's hear from you. Would appreciate it if one of the CT members would select a Hotel on the outskirts of Hartford that would be easy for all to get to.