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The Chip Board Archive 11

Donald Trump Says No To Bailout Deal!

There is an article in today's USA Today (See link below) that says that Donald Trump and DLJ Merchant Banking have ended talks for a bailout of Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts Inc.

You know I don't think Donald Trump will be happy until he runs all of his casino properties into the ground and they end up like the Atlantis in Atlantic City having their casino licenses pulled by the NJCCC because they are no longer financially viable and if Atlantic ends up going from 12 casinos to 9 that could severely hurt the industry there with all the unemployed workers and not enough jobs.

This is just my personal opinion but Mr. Trump is nothing more then an arrogant, overbearing, egotistical maniac who thinks he is gods gift to the business world and that he is better then everyone else. Well here's hoping that the bondholders and creditors of
Mr. Trump's Hotel/Casino business tell him "Your fired" and maybe they can do a better job then he has.

== Rick Schwarz R-5723 ==

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