Thanks for the lively discussion! The good thing is that there IS a lively discussion and we read everyone. And we're glad we did. I think there are some very good points out there, on both sides.
So here's what we'll do.
We wont reproduce acutal chips. We'll design some chips to be sold in complete sets that have some of the same nostalgic feel as the old designs.
We'll put the (c) 2004 on each chip.
And we'll use very bright colors and new edge designs that you wouldnt find on an old chip.
And I'd like to post our designs on our Web site and get feedback before we go into production. Our goal is to create and sell some beautifully designed, real clay chips for home use. We sell lots of the composite chips because they are a lot more affordable for most people, but we'd like to be able to offer really nice designed, real clay chips too.
So thanks all your thoughts and time. It's been a big help.