Warning! This post is NCR! Read at your own risk.
I have been searching for a list of topics and how each presidential candidate feels about them. It should not be so hard to find, how can you make an informed vote just by listening to the sales pitch-like speaches they give? Well I wanted to find a list of facts about what they believe and the results were amazing! I found it! No joke, check it out here:
Can you belive that Bush supports tax cuts for those making over $100,000 / year, but does not support raising the minimum wage? This means that he is out to screw the middle-class in the name of big-business profit! It is loud and clear! Yet still so many hard working middle class people keep voting for Republicans! Read the facts people!! Notice that on the issue of "Allow Lawsuits Against Gun Manufacturers", Bush's stance is Strongly opposes. Do you need more proof that the NRA is funding the Bush campaign? We are allowed to sue anyone we want, Mr. dubya.
Amazing, indeed.
Dave C.