I am going to write this in SHORT SENTENCES so you might understand.
I don't know how old you are but Wal-Mart came to be in 1962. So, figuring you made it to Junior High by the time you were 22 you must be around 66 years old.
This is America. We get to vote. Isn't that a unique concept? There are some places that are not allowed to do that. You may have even heard of some of them in Junior High.
We also get to express our opinions as to who to vote for. That is a really nice thing. We may even convince another to vote for our choice.
One of the ways to do this is to post juvenile posts. These same posts have been posted by other people in other elections. All one has to do is change the names and issues and sling away. Then, other people of limited intelligence will think this stuff is funny.
They will go, "Yuk, Yuk" and vote for your choice. You will become a hero to these morons. That is sad.
The Chipboard has a very large audience. The majority of the fine people on this board are intelligent and astute enough to make a decision as to how they are going to vote. Your continual barrage of this juvenile humor is wearing thin. That is just my opinion.
As I said before, "You have the right to post anything and I support it." That is the American Way.
But for crying out loud post something that PROMOTES YOUR CANDIDATE. It would be nice to hear why we should vote for who you believe in. Can you tell us that without bashing everything seven ways from Sunday?
I have no idea how old you are but you have some growing up to do.