Some other changes that were made in Carlisle is that originally you had a limit to how many chips you could have in one collection. I believe the collection limit used to be 1,000 (not sure on this). This limit went back to when processors were so much slower. But most of us have moved past Windows 3.1 now. This has been changed and now you can have huge collections.
You can also have numerous collections all with easy loading and manipulations.
Another thing is that the makers of Checkmate have moved on to bigger and better things, and will not work on the program anymore. Carlisle on the otherhand is dedicated to creating the best possible collection software that could be. They (Tom) are eaher to hear ideas, and fast to make upgrades.
Another big thing on software is support. I have to admit that I have never in my life received the kind of top notch support that I have gotten with Carlisle. It's a small company and you get personalized pleasant fast service.