A few thoughts for consideration on your suggestion.
We eliminated the affiliation with chapters. To now ask the non-affilated local clubs to accept & delivery our magazine so we can save money would be presumptuous at best. There is also the additional work that would be placed on the non-affiliated club to gather names, accept delivery, transport to the meeting site, record delivery to each person, hold undelivered copies, etc
Many members can / do not make every local club meeting. Miss a meeting, no CCTN or someone has to save it for you. Or you have to arrange to pick it up.
A similar situation occurs with delivery to a 3rd party member. Problems include arranging convenient pick up times, 3rd party member not available due to work, travel, vacation, member unable to pick due to car trouble, family matters & (see above). Additional expense to the member for transportation, etc. The additional work for the 3rd party