>>> $3000 an hour
Not sure where you picked that figure from, but I'm sure most people would be able to live on that
Hey we agree on something! Minimum wage was intended to be an entry level wage. Go to school, learn a trade, do SOMETHING to better yourself. Don't sit around on your !@#$% waiting for the government to grant you an unwarranted pay raise
Life ( that's something you Republicans cherish so much)
Unless you are a 7-9 month fetus
A little off there. Taxes hover around 50%. You forget about sales tax, property tax, gasoline tax, the infamous Al Gore "wire every school for the internet" tax (check your phone bill), and the list goes on and on. Now I'm not blaiming the Democrats for all these taxes, but I certainly agree with the statement that the Democrats have never met a tax they didn't like, especially if they can hide it. One's NET income is totally discretionary. But it is nice of you to allow for tithing to the church of my choice. Just as long as I keep it to myself and don't offend anyone, huh?