I don't feel that military service is a requirement to serve as the president of the United States (helpful though)
"Unlike others who were honest enough to avoid service by finding other LEGITIMATE ways to occupy their time or do some service to the country in other ways"
Like it or not Bill's avoidance was legitimate just like Dick Cheney ( sorta kinda).
Influance was used to put George in The Texas National Guard Ahead of other volenteers (reality)
(no proof of course [reality])
Service in the Military or not has no bearing on my choice.
Bill Clinton was elected because he was able to convince a majority of the population he was able to represent their beliefs.
For what it is worth, at least Bush joined the National Guard and fulfilled his obligation. Now, I know some whould say the gap in his service says that he didn't keep that comittment. Until someone can produce the evidance of that, I still contend he did more service and more honorably than Bill Clinton did.
Isn't it mysterious that any records of George's service was accidentaly destroyed? (I'll give you a Push on that one).
We had to put up with 8 years of bu????it from Republicans trying to gain control of the government. So OK now they have control of all 3 branches of the government and what has been accomplished? Nearly nothing. They turned a Surplus into a $500 billion deficit, (I used my $300.00 refund wisly though. I bought Enron, Global crossing, and Tyco.) $7 Trillion National Debt. We have flag draped coffins arriving on our shores daily (no pictures Please we don't want to disturb the public). All of our international friends don't want to talk to us.
but we have FREEDOM FRIES.