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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: Salvation of medicare
In Response To: Salvation of medicare ()

Just what did we do before Medicare and Medicaid? It wasn't that long ago, I believe I was a teenager when these programs were created. Cradle to grave influence over every aspect of every person's life, just another couple steps in the ladder of the socialism of America.

Some things for you to think about Paul. Medical savings accounts (not "Healthcare savings accounts") would and do relieve the healthcare issues placed upon us all by transferring government funded care at the regular maintenance and preventative level into the financial arena of those who can afford to fund such accounts and relieve the rest of us by not having to fund these services through tax dollars. How in the hell is that a bad thing?

I pay for my own medical insurance and am looking at setting up an MSA while buying a catastrophic policy, all paid for out of my own pocket. It'd be cheaper than the full coverage that I'm now paying for. ...maybe I should join your crowd and ask for everyone else to pay for my insurance. ...nope, I don't think so. Every individual who takes the initiative to pay for their own healthcare coverage puts less of a burden on our government, allowing for a system to cover those making minimum wage more likely to have affordable coverage available to them and their employers. ...and by the way, healthcare is available to those who can't afford to pay for it. ...and you don't have to get on a three-month-long list like you do in Canada.

When you believe that your government owes you anything more than basic infrastructure and protection, you are walking in the same paths of Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro and Il.

Messages In This Thread

Salvation of medicare
Better re-read the plan! sad
Re: Better re-read the plan! sad
Typical Liberal Elitism sad
Re: Typical Liberal Elitism sad
Re: Better re-read the plan! sad
Re: Better re-read the plan! sad
Re: Better re-read the plan! sad
Re: Better re-read the plan! sad
Re: Better re-read the plan! sad
Re: Better re-read the plan! sad
Re: Better re-read the plan! sad
More Liberal Bu****it
how did I deduct your expenses
Just raise the minimum wage.
Lawyers in the Tobacco Suit
Re: Lawyers in the Tobacco Suit
Re: Lawyers in the Tobacco Suit
Re: Lawyers in the Tobacco Suit
QUOTE OF THE WEEK winner Paul Hegge
Re: Lawyers in the Tobacco Suit
Sorry, guys, but lawyers in class action ...
Re: Salvation of medicare
Re: Salvation of medicare
Re: Salvation of medicare
Re: Salvation of medicare
Let me bow down to the dems
Re: Salvation of medicare
Re: Salvation of medicare
Re: Salvation of medicare
My Reccomendation
Please don't take my previous message wrong
Re: Salvation of medicare
Re: Salvation of medicare
Re: Salvation of medicare
Re: Salvation of medicare
Re: Salvation of medicare
Re: Salvation of medicare
Typical Republican idea
Re: Typical Republican idea
As I said before and stand by still...........
Re: As I said before and stand by still...........
Re: Typical Republican idea
Why can't you think for yourself?
I CAN think for myself
Re: I CAN think for myself
Re: Salvation of medicare
Well said Bob !
so your lawn care professionals
Re: so your lawn care professionals
Re: so your lawn care professionals
Re: so your lawn care professionals
Bob Orme, Libertarian ...
Speaking of Libertarians

Copyright 2022 David Spragg