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The Chip Board Archive 11

Club Magazine and Wells, Nevada

You all should be getting your new edition of the Club Magazine soon.

This issue features Wells Nevada prominently. The history of Wells and it's gaming establishments was sent to The Nevada Casino Ashtray Project. Michael Knapp suggested that I pass it along to Allan Anderson for publication.

He liked the idea and I put him in contact with Gene and Peg Kaplan, the authors of the history. They are the current owners of the El Rancho and Wells Hotel/Bulls Head Bar Buildings in Wells.

I stood on Front Street a couple years ago on a cold, rainy, dark, windy evening and just looked. Nothing going on these days, just buildings with an incredible history...The Capitol, The Elite, Johnny's, and the Wells Hotel among others. All silent, dark, their past glory put away for now. It was just weird...there is something still there...Maybe it's "Giovanna" prowling around...She is the resident ghost of the Wells Hotel. A fascinating and very believable story...or what was that I saw in the corner of my eye??? Her cat??? Now that's a story and a belief around Wells that will give you a chill...An incredible story!!

Hope you enjoy the story and history...If you get to Wells take a look at Front Street...One of the last real vestiges of what is like in the early days of gaming in Nevada...and if you see something fleeting out of the corner of your eye, well, maybe it wasn't just a spike of light from Donna's Brothel...or was it...

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Club Magazine and Wells, Nevada
Re: Club Magazine and Wells, Nevada
Giovanna....I don't know...
And They believe in Donna...
Re: Giovanna....I don't know...
Re: Giovanna....I don't know...
Re: Giovanna....I don't know...
OK....I will send The Saga...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg