Hi Bob how ya doin?
No wont make Reno as too much book work to do. Only could get to Vegas for a few days and that was also to work on this book. We need a guide in this hobby every month (actually daily updates would be best!) as info. becomes outdated fast or new chips are released. I feel a complete book should be out yearly as by then many changes have taken place. Maybe I could do one one year & Chip Rack the other? OR you could take over the whole book writting & then have no time for anything else! How's that sound? I still feel overall many of my prices are accurate but for sure I am somewhat outdated.
I will be at the Palms show & it would be great to talk chips & cars with you! I want to get into 1/4 mile racing. Have a nice 55 Chevy with nice blown 350 to race but needs to be updated. I love old 55's!!! Have 4 now! I am nuts I know!