Bruce, I can appreciate where you're coming from. But when would that not be okay?
Imagine if you will, it is 10 years from now and James still hasn't gotten the new edition out. Would it be proper to quote an 800 dollar chip value in an eBay description from a book that is 14 years old?? How about if the value in TCR isnow at $10.00 because a case of 5,000 of the chips were discovered? Even if a newer edition of that book was never released??
As for are there any errors in TCR...of course there are. Is it completely reflective of proper values on every chip? No way. Is it the most up to date and most ralistic priceguide available? Absolutely.
You really can't say "no harm no foul" because one chip has gone up while another chip has gone down. Four years is four years. Thats an awful lot of chips with a different value. Let me ask you this:
How many chips values in the old Official Guide do you agree with? Now answer that same question if it were the TCR . Get my point?
Values go up and value go down in this game. Quanities of rare chips are found all the time. All we can hope for is to arm ourselves with the most reliable and up to date price guide. I feel this to be the correct thing to do, as a buyer, as a seller and even as a trader.