Sorry I had to respond to this, even though you asked that I not, but i felt compelled. After all, as you said: it is a free country.
You may not be aware, but a large number of CC/GTCC members take it upon themselves to try to inform eBay sellers that are misleading or are incorrectly listing chips. They (we) do it not as an act of G*D, but rather as a service to our hobby. It is a common practice done by caring members. We look at all casino chip buyers as potential future members. We watch out for them, and we try to nurture them. I don't know about you, but I started out completely clueless as to this hobby, and without a priceguide.
Often times, the seller is just misinformed, or doesnt know any better. In those cases, they get informed. We will email those sellers and advise them in a curtious way about the misinformation in their auction listing.
When we run into a case where a seller is selling fantasy chips and representing them as real chips we do the same. Should that seller tell us to take a hike, (which has happened many times) we will post on the chipboard as an alert to others.
We do it not because we want to harm anyones reputation, but rather as a public service. No malice involved.