>>>The chip is then permanently sealed into a plastic case with a registration number, and the arbitrarily assigned grade is clearly visible.
I'll accept that definition as it is exactly what I said. A "grade" is clearly visable.
Too bad "the pledge" does not contain a specific definition of what constitutes a slabbed chip.
>>>Sign the pledge. Join the slabfree club and pay your $5. Then we might 'consider' your opinion.
While I agree with the club's general position on slabbing, I do not agree with everything in "the pledge" and deem it poorly drafted. Thus, I can't support it. Since a majority of the membership has not signed it, I am not the one in the minority (I do not even know how many of the names listed are current members with dues paid).
I also do not generally agree with some of the club's slanderous remarks against companies and individuals that they deem "slabbers". I will not lend my name to such an activity.
Of course, I realize that my opinion means nothing to the "old gang" but I hope some of the new members will think twice before blindly adding their name to such a pledge.
Have a good one....