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The Chip Board Archive 11

El Dorado Club dice find

About a month ago one of my neighbors sold me a box of old casino related items: cards, chips, and dice.

There were dice from several places, but the bulk of them were from The El Dorado Club, which was open at 128 E. Fremont (where Binion�s Horseshoe is now) from 1947 until 1951.

Five styles were in the find and only three of them are listed in Rick Olsen and Andy Johnson�s Collectors Guide to Casino Dice.

There was only a single pair of the above dice in the lot. They are perhaps the best in the find. The spots are not true Birdseye or true Bullseye spots, but a single dot with a single circle around it. Rick pointed out to me that the same type of spot can be found on a known pair of Rex Club dice, which was located at the same address in 1946.

When I questioned him about the name of the spot, he said he just calls it a Birdseye variation. I suggested he name it something else and he thought the TyrusRex spot sounded like a good name for it. Hey, I like that name!!! rofl

There was only a single die of the above image in the lot. It has the more traditional Birdseye spots. Notice how the words El and Dorado are separated, which doesn�t match the other dice from this club.

The three pair that are listed are shown below:
The following two have the Birseye spots.

The last pair has a solid spot:

There were multiples of the last three pairs of dice listed. Since I only need one pair, I�m offering the extras for sale on my website at below low book prices. They are in my weekly sale and will only be available until Thursday. The link is below.

Thanks for looking!


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El Dorado Club dice find
Nice find, Tyrus...but what about the chips?? grin
Re: Nice find, Tyrus...but what about the chips??

Copyright 2022 David Spragg