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The Chip Board Archive 11

Taj Mahal - Not kid friendly

Let me preface this by saying that I don't like kids in casinos. I never have.

With that said, on my most recent trip to AC we decided to stay at the Trump Taj Mahal because my daughter was going to be with us and she likes the hotel because it is connected to the carnival (steel) peir.

On arrival, we walked out of the garage toward the front desk (as we always do) to check in and we were immediately stopped by a security guard who asked if we were guests of the hotel (we are carrying luggage into the hotel). I said we would be as soon as we checked in. He told us that we could not enter. We had to leave the building and walk around to the front entrance.

I asked him if he was joking and when it was clear that he wasn't, I was ready to find another hotel. At this moment one of the hotel's managers was walking by and provided my family with a personal escort to the front desk while explaining the new policy (at the front desk they gave my daughter an ID tag to avoid future problems).

I still don't know how I feel about this "new" policy. While I admire the casino for attempting to restrict kids from the casino, clearly there are bugs to be worked out as this is after all a beachfront resort.

Just thought I would pass along the experience.

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Copyright 2022 David Spragg