>> ... I have a pretty good imagination
Yep, pretty much everything you've had to say has been imaginery. And now that you're back to giving legal advice, you got it wrong again.
Bill >>>> I would imagine that if they chose to, they COULD go to chip shows and take
>>>> their chips back. They could send someone after you if you sell them on eBay.
Stu >> I would imagine that they can't and I've been told that I have a
>> pretty good imagination. I believe the legal term is equitable estoppel.
"Equitable estoppel" cannot possibly have any application to this situation. It is a legal principle which applies where one party makes a promise (and here comes the key point, so pay attention) without consideration, but nevertheless can be held to the promise because it induces the other party to rely upon the promise to his detriment.
In the case of chips, the casino gives you a chip with the promise to give you the money back when you return it. You provide the consideration when you give the casino the dollar value of the chip. There is no detrimental reliance because you can always get your money back by returning the chip.
Think you'll ever get one of these right? ----- jim o\-S