You quoted:
"o Economy. The stock market is in the toilet and interest rates are rising. Do you feel more financially secure now than you did 4 years ago? Are you savings and investments worth more or less than they were 4 years ago? Enough said."
The economy that built on the fragile deck of cards called the bubble, was already in the process of crashing during 2000. This was prior to elections. GW inherited a huge mess. Interest rates have been at their lowest points ever and just because they have risen a quarter to a half percent recently, that means the sky is falling? Please. They are still lower than what we had during the previous administration.
My investments took a huge beating in 2000, but I didn't wait for the government to bail me out. I took charge of my money and re-diversified my allotments and I can safely say that I'm better off now than I was 4 years ago. If you wait for someone else to the work for you...well...
I'll leave the rest of the debate to my brother but I do have one more little point.
No WMDs????? I suppose the Kurds died of natural causes.
1.77 metric tons of low enriched uranium and 1000 highly radioactive sources were secured (in June) from Iraq's former nuclear research facility.
What do you do with that? Glow in the dark golf balls?
When you're searching a country the size of California for WMDs that you fit in a garage, it takes time. Especially when he (Saddam) had time to relocate it. An artillery round containing sarin was found in May. This was supposed to have been destroyed per the UN, but never happened.
Why doesn't this make the news? Because the liberal media plays it down.
Also, why does the Democratic party base its campaign on telling us what's wrong with the Bush administration instead of telling us what's right with its candidate?