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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: See my Email to you...
In Response To: See my Email to you... ()

You might be right on 23 and 25.

I used to play sunday lunchtimes with these old boys in the pub. They played so fast you wouldnt believe it.

They would have none of that '19' scoring though. They claimed 'competition' scoring was not 'traditional'.

I thought they showed me how every score but 19 could be got but maybe 19 was just the lowest that couldn't as I cant work out how to get 23 or 25 now! 'NINETEEN' was what they used to shout.
They new every score without needing to count. By the time Id got my cards turned over the guy had already pegged mine - and if you called the wrong score you got hung, drawn & quartered. grin

No-one seems to play the game here anymore - I tried to introduce friends but no interest. During the war, my late father was ship champion. The lads had him a board made for his birthday in Malta - Somewhere I still have it with the original matchsticks they used.

Messages In This Thread

I notice one thing (ok alot of things) about this
Man Hole Covers, Meat Tenderizers,...
Mark, What about finger puppets?
rofl rofl Excuse my language.. rofl rofl
Hey! I want....
YUMYUM Coming Your Way...You Post Her
I'll see yours, and raise you one yum!
Try Chips for a start - not on your list grin
Explain "FOC"....I am still not in..
Duh! - FOC = Free Of Charge grin
I would seriously doubt that...
If you call 19 that means you have ZERO grin
OK, there is one other hand you can't get...
?? 19 is the only score you cant get
Re: ?? 19 is the only score you cant get
Can be done. Will demonstrate in a minute
no thats 18....Isn't it????
Re: no thats 18....Isn't it????
See my Email to you...
Re: See my Email to you...
Glenda & I play some cribbage ...
Re: Glenda & I play some cribbage ...
23 in Cribbage ...
Spot on Jim - one of the 'pigs' to count
Re: By the ACC rules you can't get 19 or 25,26,27
Re: By the ACC rules you can't get 19 or 25,26,27
Just about anything casino related!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg