Totem Poles, Sewing Kits, Condom tins, Wooden Indians(not meant to offend), Pogs, Sausage stuffers, Joe Pavlik stupid statements and questions, Pictures of me in disgusting positions, Oil paintings of eggplants, Pictures of Terry Schaffer with famous chip collectors, Mike Poole with his pretty dog, Jim's pond pictures, Pink Flamingos, Disgusting pictures of Wilbur Clark with his hair uncombed, Pictures of Benny Binion on a bad morning, Urinal cakes, Leggio with too much Saki, Skip and his valuable toilet seats, Casino soap, pictures of YUMYUM(Available upon request), Only known pictures of a Weiner King restaurant, Richard Fellman surgury pics, Coon Chicken Inn stuff, Oscar Mayer Weiner Mobile memoribilia,Pictures of slot maidens at the Nevada Club, Schnauzer stuff, Scotty Dog silhouette things, Anything with John Deere or International Harvester on it, Pictures and testimony of Frank Lonteen selling something cheap, Pictures and recordings of Jim Rauzy telling somebody the truth about what their item is worth(highly unlikely, but a thought), Statements from Tony Bruno saying "I will pay immediately", Questions that Dwayne Kling can't answer about Reno, James Campiglia pictures with Tomas, the water buffalo, Things that my good friend Pam G. doesn't drool over, Questions that David Spragg doesn't have a nice, snappy answer for, collectible Vinegar(see Vinegar Museum in South Dakota),and a whole lot more. Don't quit now, collect it all,
Mark and the "Eggplant that Ate Chicago."
(Anybody remember that song?????????)