After 16 hours of sorting, searching, scanning, and picking out what I needed, I am finally ready to start listing my duplicate Chipco Samples for sale. Due to the sheer number of requests for lists, I thought it would be more fair to all if I were to just show them here on the board. If you sent me an email requesting a certian type of chip, I will email you back shortly after posting on the board to let you know that the chips are there.
Today I plan to be listing
Foreign Chips
Atlantic City Chips
Mississippi Chips
and Cruise Chips
I hope to get up the Nevada, Fantasy, Advertising, California, Indian, and others tomorrow.
Most chips will be priced the same with discounts given with larger purchases. The ones not included in the discounts will be noted.
I also accept traders for foreign chips, sample chips and T molds that I dont have, however I must warn you that I have extensive collections in these 3 areas already so it will be tough to find chips that I need.
Thanks for all the support and purchases already.