Thanks to all for the overwhelming response to my posts on the Chipco Sample chips I will have for sale and trade. Due to the sheer quantity of the chips it will take me a few days to sort them into catagories and then decide which ones I dont already have and which are for trade. I am keeping a list of everyone that emails me and I wil let you know when I have scans available. I plan on breaking them up into the following groups for scanning.
1) Nevada
2) Mississippi / Louisiana
3) Colorado
4) S Dakota
5) California
6) Atlantic City
7) Foreign
8) Chipco & other Non-Casino Advertising
9) Fantasy Chips
10) Cruise Ships
11) Indian Casinos (Misc States)
12) Misc Other Chips (Everything else)
Please bear with me and whach for my posts on the BB.
Thanks and happy chipping to all,