Most of the Montana chips have "in trade" on them. In my opinion, these are the same as the "in trade only" tickets you can win at areas slot machines around here in the back of gas stations and bars. They say it can only be used for purchase of materials (kind of like winning coupons), but the trick is to win say $20, buy a pack of gum and the change is given in dollars.
I have done this myself (for research purposes only of course) and asked how it works from the guy on duty. He was the one walking me through it.
Oh yea, I drifted. I believe these chips/tokens were used in some cases for claims that they are not playing for money, but for instore credit. Why would there be so many 12-1/2cent trade tokens if this was not the case? Sure you could "buy beer", but I believe in many cases these were used on the tables as well.