Bob, I was one who took your suggestion and incorporated it in my heading. I still think it's a good idea. But of more interest to me is the person's last name. We have many people with the same first name (I think the most common is Jim,) but the name Brian was the one I always get mixed up on.
Also, I have real negative thoughts dealing with a person who feels he must conceal his last name or uses an alias.
I do have one more pet peeve and that is that people will order an item from me and inevitable I have to write back asking for their address. I forgot how I did it, but my address is on all my email responses. It is much easier for individuals to attach their address to their emails than it is to look it up.
I am not at all ashamed of where I live and have no fear of my address being distributed to anyone on this board and do not lose any sleep wondering if some lurker is going to get this information. (even though I always have my two friends and a few of their twins visiting me at all times in different locations-- Smith and Wesson)