Saturday morning I got up at 4:00AM to drive to Chattanooga, TN to start my northward journey on the worlds longest flea market. It goes 450 miles from Gadsten AL to Newport KY. I went home sat nite and went back on sunday morning. I never even made it to Jamestown TN (which started the whole thing) and I really wanted to get up into KY.
The scan shows what I managed to pick up so I guess it wasn't a total waste. I also found a few other ashtrays. I was wondering if the Holiday Inn is really a casino - the book mentions that they bought it as a casino but the ashtray is not shown. But it does say "Center Strip" on it like the others.
I keep enduring a lot of hot weather to find these few items. Not to mention $40 in gas. The dice were a pleasant surprise. I also managed to pick up 2 antique quilts for Cindy to work on so everyone wins. I also found (keep in mind this is in central TN) a matchbook from Zivkos Ballroom in Hartford WI. What is the significance of this? It is where I met my bride 33 years ago!