First, I'd like to clarify that I'm a contributor to this message board, not just a spammer advertising my wares here.
Second, I'm sorry that my last post offended you. I was simply pointing out that our website is not a hassle to use. I was also trying to be helpful in directing you to another site that provided the service you were seeking (while pointing out that our prices are better in hopes that you'd still consider shopping with us despite having to register).
I do appreciate your recommendations, and if I weren't getting out of the supplies business, I might have even considered implementing it. However, since our shipping is free on collectables, it's a moot point at this time.
Email and bulletin boards cannot convey tone, and I think you misinterpreted the tone in which my last post was intended. I hope you accept my apology for the misunderstanding and hold no animosity over the matter.
Will Knight, R-5881