... Jay, the responses to which I suspect may depend on whether or not the responder came to chip collecting from the coin collecting community.
Question #1
If you were to have in your possession what you would consider to be the IDEAL chip guide (or price guide), would both chips be included, or would there be just a single listing?
Question #2
If you think there should be a single listing, do you feel that there should be a comment or note that another variation exists, or do you feel that no note is necessary?
Question #3
(Another way to phrase this issue): If you had only one of these two �variations�, would you feel you were �missing� a chip from your collection, or would you feel that you would have to get the other one as well?
I COLLECT VARIATIONS. Whether I feel I HAVE to get all variations depends on the nature of the chip and the costs involved. If the chip is in one of my sub-specialty collections, I want all variations. For example, Virginia City chips. Ditto golf-related chips (and now, for Glenda, silver strikes & their mint marks). Ditto the Year of the Dragon chips (I even bought one of the hand-numbered Casino Niagara chips, despite their questionable pedigree ).
Question #3a
How about some more expensive chips that might fall into this category� take for example the Riviera $25 Christy and Jones chips listed in The Chip Rack as N818 and V6945. These are relatively valuable ($200) chips and they are exactly the same with the exception of the placement of the Riviera logo crest with relation to the printing of the �Riviera� name on the chip (which might have been the result of a reorder, or maybe there was only a single run of the inlays with the dies in different alignments). If you had one of them, would you feel the need to fill the hole left by the lack of the other one?
AGAIN, THIS WOULD DEPEND on whether it is a chip in one of my specialty collections (in which case yes, more or less regardless of cost) or not (in which case I might not care or might not bother because of the cost).
----- jim o\-S