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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: The course of our discussion ...

>>>>Feel free to take a closing shot, Stu, but now I am done with this.

Liberals always say that but then like a bad penny they just keep turning up.

>>>I'm ready to "give up" because you won't engage on the issues

You don't want to engage the issues, you want to talk around them.

I have stated quite clearly what I think of folks who walk around saying "What your doing is wrong but I support you in doing it".

That is a moronic statement and people like you (lead by a liberal media) walk around daily spouting that nonsense because it has become the PC thing to do and nobody is supposed to notice how contradictory and ludicrous it is.

In order for *us* to have a -discussion-, there must be a premise on which that discussion is based. For folks like you, that premise must almost certainly be that the world would be better off today if we had not removed the regime in Iraq and left Sadaam in power.

However, you won't say that. Hell, even Mr. Kerry won't say that because it is simply a foolish statement. Just as ALL Democrats and liberals must, you will cloud the real issue with a hundred ancillary issues that you think make an intelligent argument but really don't address anything.

Here's a snippet of how this works:

Mr. Kerry, should we have gone into Iraq -

Yes, but blah blah blah

Mr. Kerry, did you support going into Iraq -

Yes, but blah blah blah

Mr. Kerry, should we pull out of Iraq -

No, but blah blah blah

Even one of the most liberal democrats on the face of the planet can't get around the basic and simple fact that it was the RIGHT thing to do. Everything else (just like so much of your posts) is just blah blah blah ......

Our kids are there not to conquer, not to destroy, not to search for weapons, etc. They are there to free a people and to bring stability to a very unstable region. They are doing a very tough job under the most adverse conditions and doing it very well.

If their cause isn't just, then there is no such thing as a just cause. It would be nice if folks like you could let them know that. It is of paramount importance that the parent, spouse, or even child that receives a flag in lieu of their loved one knows it.

The words "On behalf of a Grateful Nation..." should have REAL meaning regardless of who is in office.

Now, I'm done.

Messages In This Thread

NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
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I agree with that statement wholeheartedly!
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Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
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Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
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Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
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Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
Re: NCR "U.S. death toll in Iraq hits 900"
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Copyright 2022 David Spragg